The message was submitted by the student Ihab Abdel Ali Murad. The research study aims to shed light on the legislative texts contained in the valid residency law related to the deportation and expulsion of foreigners, analyze and criticize them and indicate the weaknesses and strengths in them and compare them with some laws of other countries, and whether the Iraqi legislator has agreed in the legal formulation of these texts and their compatibility with the principles of human rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international instruments.
This study dealt with analyzing and evaluating the quality and efficiency of the procedures followed when the authorities expel and expel foreigners who act in violation of the residency laws and violate the security and tranquility of the state on its territory, especially in the Iraqi residency law in force.
The study concluded that the intertwining of the economic and social interests of countries has given way to a wide scope for foreigners to enter their lands, and in order for the modern state to preserve its entity and social fabric and not to compromise its security interests, laws have been enacted that regulate the presence of foreigners on its territory at a time when the international community has suffered from the harms of terrorism and its harmful behavior, Therefore, the state had to balance its national interests on the one hand and the interests of foreign individuals present on its soil on the other.
The study recommended the need to address some of the defects, failures, and shortcomings contained in the residency law in force by proposing cancellation, amendment, addition, and follow-up of measures to ensure the right of the state to preserve its entity, security, and stability without prejudice to its commitments to the international community to preserve and maintain human rights.

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